31 January 2011

Salmon and quinoa burgers

The other night I really fancied fishcakes and remembered that I'd seen a great-sounding recipe on The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen website - here.

There are no breadcrumbs (hence no wheat/gluten/yeast) and they're full of protein, what with quinoa and salmon in there!

I used 'lightly smoked' salmon fillets as that's what I happened to have but normal would be just as good. I also added a bit of lemon juice. I didn't know what 'Herbamare' was so looked it up - seems to be some salt of stock/salt combo (you can read a product description and buy it here) but as I didn't have any I just used fresh parsley as well as coriander in the mix and added a bit of sea salt. I knew the salmon would be a bit salty and cooked the quinoa with some anyway so didn't need to add much.

I got seven patties out of my mix - I didn't want to make them too large as wanted them to cook through evenly and they were really very tasty! I fried them for quite a bit longer than it suggested in the recipe as I wanted them nice and crispy on the outside - probably about four or five minutes on each side but turning frequently.  They were quite fragrant and delicately flavoured but very quick and easy and surprisingly filling.

I had them with sweet potato fries (peeled and chopped a sweet potato into skinny fries, boiled for a few mins then baked in oven with some oil and salt) and a salad of broad beans, avocado, green beans and tenderstem broccoli with a simple oil and cider vinegar dressing.

Was stuffed afterwards but it was a very satisfactory supper! For the leftover ones, I just cooked them in an oven at about 200ÂșC for about 20 mins, turning after 10 and let them go cold. They really crisped up and held their texture even better then so easy to take to work as a lunch or something.


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